Last Updated: Mar 14, 2025


Everyone, including all residents and businesses in our region, and the Province are required by law to sort their waste into proper streams. In Region 7, there is curbside collection for recyclables, organics and garbage. The curbside collection is provided through contracted haulers by each of the Municipal units.

Recyclables are collected in blue bags through a 2 bag system which means papers go in blue bag #1 and plastics and containers go in blue bag #2. Recyclables are transported to Scotia Recycling in Yarmouth where they are sorted, processed and shipped out to markets to be recycled into useful items.

Organics are collected bi-weekly using a green cart at the curb in each municipal unit. There are two carts sizes available 65 gallon and 35 gallon. Only paper liners are accepted in the green cart. Organics are transported from our region to the Compost Plant in Yarmouth where it is processed on site into valuable compost.

Garbage is collected bi-weekly in clear bags however one black/green bag is permitted per garbage collection for each household. Garbage is taken to the two transfer stations in our Region which are located in Yarmouth and Clare. The garbage is then loaded into tractor trailers and shipped to a second generation landfill in the Region of Queens Municipality. A main reason for switching to clear bags for garbage in April 2007 was so that we could reduce the amount of garbage being shipped to Queens. We are under contract agreements that require us to exercise due diligence in the removal of banned materials from garbage. Having garbage in clear bags gives us a safe and quick way to see what is arriving at the transfer stations or placed at the curb for collection.

Waste Check is responsible for offering their services to help residents/business owners understand and carry out the terms of the Solid Waste-Resource Management Strategy. A new target has been added to these regulations by Nova Scotia Department of Environment when they developed the Environmental Goals & Sustainable Prosperity Act in 2007 and set a new disposal target of 300kg/capita/year by 2015. Waste Check has devoted staff that make visits to homes, schools, businesses and institutions free of charge. Waste Check offers many programs to assist everyone in reducing waste for a healthier environment. Please continue to explore our website for more information on the services and programs provided to Region 7 by Waste Check.

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