We Offer:
  • All occasions
  • Beautiful
  • Original
  • Expertly arranged
Last Updated: Mar 29, 2025


Teleflora's Be Happy® Bouquet in Selah WA, Abbey's Floral & Gifts 

Flowers You Can Trust from Abbey's Floral & Gifts, Your Local Selah Florist

Abbey's Floral & Gifts, one of the leading flower shops in Selah, is proud to offer a wide assortment of fresh flowers for your gift-giving needs. Our dedicated staff will help make any occasion memorable with an artfully designed arrangement. At Abbey's Floral & Gifts, we offer same day flower delivery to Selah and surrounding communities at no additional cost. We can also fulfill orders across the country through our network of dependable florists.

Fresh flowers are a wonderful gift for every occasion. Abbey's Floral & Gifts, a leading Selah florist, has a wide selection of flowers and gifts, from romantic Valentine's Day roses to tasteful sympathy arrangements to gift baskets and Mother's Day flowers . No matter the reason, whether it’s your anniversary, a birthday or a get well gesture, Abbey's Floral & Gifts can provide beautiful and inexpensive arrangements to suit your budget. Trust Abbey's Floral & Gifts to deliver exquisite flowers and gift baskets in Selah WA.

Fresh flowers in Selah are just a call or click away! View our assortment of gifts and floral arrangements online then place your order through our website at any time. You can also call us directly. Abbey's Floral & Gifts has a wide variety of items to choose from, and if you don’t find what you’re looking for, our florists in Selah can create a unique arrangement just for you. Abbey's Floral & Gifts delivers beautiful flowers in Selah and nearby communities as well as nationwide.

Quality Flowers from Selah Flower Shop – Abbey's Floral & Gifts

The staff at Abbey's Floral & Gifts takes great pride in creating beautiful arrangements using only the freshest flowers in Selah. Our store also provides an ample selection of plants and gift baskets for all occasions. When you order from Abbey's Floral & Gifts, you can be sure to receive a hand-arranged floral bouquet delivered with care. Your special occasions deserve nothing less than a brilliant arrangement from one of the leading flower shops in Selah WA.

Some sites ship your flowers in a box, wrapped in cellophane and left for you to trim and arrange. Not Abbey's Floral & Gifts! If you want fresh flower delivery in Selah, count on our expert staff for hand-arranged, hand-delivered bouquets. When you send flowers to Selah through Abbey's Floral & Gifts, you can rest easy knowing that your recipients will not be faced with damaged flowers. Their gift will be designed by a professional florist in Selah and delivered at its best.

Abbey's Floral & Gifts in Selah, WA provides flower delivery service to the following areas and zip codes in Washington:  

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