Last Updated: Mar 31, 2025

Whats included in Your WNC Home Inspection

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What's Included in a United Home Inspection, LLC Inspection



Flat Rates by Footage     Re-inspections     Major Credit Cards Accepted + 3 %

One-Stop Shop     Emailed Reports Customized For Client      Sellers-Buyers

Listing Agents Consultation

Delivery Options for your Property Inspection Report includes:

Emailed Reports Customized For Each Property

Fully Insured / Liability and E/O


On-Site Consultation

Your Complete Home Analysis Will Include:


Structural Components:

• Foundation

• Floors

• Walls

• Columns

• Ceilings

• Roofs



• Wall Siding

• Flashing and Trim

• Entryway doors and windows

• Garage door openers

• Decks, Balconies, stoops, steps

• Walkways



Radon: (Extra Cost, Not Included With Standard Home Inspection)


What is radon? Radon is a radioactive gas that you can't see, smell, or taste. It comes from the earth itself, rising up all around us, part of the natural chain of radioactive decay: uranium decaying to radium, then to radon gas, finally to radioactive lead. What are acceptable levels? The EPA action level is 4 picoCuries of radon per liter of air (4.0pCi/L). Readings below 4.0 are acceptable and readings above 4.0 are not.


Can radon be harmful? Yes. The EPA estimates that up to 20,000 lung cancer deaths each year may be caused by long term radon exposure.


• Roof covering

• Roof drainage systems

• Flashings

• Skylights, chimneys, and roof penetrations

• Sign of leaks or abnormal condensation on building components



• Piping materials, including supports & insulation

• Fixtures & faucets

• Functional flow

• Leaks

• Cross connections

• Water heating equipment

• Normal operating controls

• Automatic safety controls



• Service and entrance conductors service equipment

• Grounding equipment

• Main over current device

• Main and distribution panels

• Amperage and voltage ratings of the service branch circuit conductors



• Heating equipment

• Normal operating controls

• Automatic safety controls


Central Air conditioning:

• Cooling and air handling equipment

• Normal operating controls

• Fans, pumps, ducts and piping, with supports, dampers, insulation, air filters, registers, fan-coil units



• Walls, ceilings, and floors

• Steps, stairways, balconies, and railings

• Counters and a representative number cabinets


Insulation and ventilation:

• Insulation and vapor retarders in unfinished spaces

• Ventilation of attics and foundation areas

• Kitchen, bathroom, and laundry venting systems

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