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Last Updated: Mar 14, 2025

What you need to know about Title Insurance and why Cambridge Land Transfer Corp. will make a difference.

Title insurance is extremely inportant when purchasing or refinancing a piece of property.  Yet, many consumers are unsure about what title insurance is and what they should be looking for as far as cost.

There are two types of insurance :

Lenders Title Insurace ( also called the loan policy) and Owners title insurance.  Most lenders require a loan policy when they are securing a lien on the property.  The loan policy is based on the dollar amount of the loan.  This policy protects the lender's first priority lien interest in the property should a problem arise.  The loan policy is good until the loan is paid off.

Owners Policy -The amount of this policy is the amount of the total purchase price.  This is a one time policy and will stay in effect as long as you or your heirs have an interest in the property.  Only an Owners Policy fully protects the buyer should a probem arise with the title the was not uncovered during the title search.  This policy also covers and attorney fees involved in defending a claim on your title.

Prices vary depending on the state your property is in ( see rate charts ).

What is most inportant is that you are getting the best rate of insurance allowed by the department of Insurance.  The only way to get the best rate is to compare prices and know who you are dealing with.

Cambridge Makes a Difference

We strive to get you the best rates available
We get involved with all parties on every detail.
We help expedite the process and get you to the closing on time.

Call us to compare price.

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