We Offer:
  • Fixed Rate Mortgages
  • Adjustable Rate Mortgages
  • Home Equity
  • First Time Home Buyers
  • Construction
  • Bare Land
Last Updated: Dec 21, 2024

 Because if you're up here,
you belong here.

The North Shore means different things to different people.
For some, it's a scenic escape route from the rat race. For many more, it's home. A place where folks are free to be themselves while extending their neighbors the same courtesy. It's the genuine openness to new ideas and personalities that makes our community - and its credit union - unique.

Welcome to North Shore Federal.

A beacon in a sea of banks. A warm smile in a world of Alberta Clippers. Hard to picture a financial institution that puts people before profits? Look a little closer. We think you'll like what you find.


Two Harbors | Silver Bay | Lutsen | Grand Marais | Grand Portage


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