Last Updated: Mar 29, 2025
Topographic Surveys – Meridian can provide accurate topographic survey data specifically tailored to meet your design needs. If you are designing a roadway, commercial development, or municipal infrastructure, an accurate survey will be a cost-saving foundation for your project. Tailoring your design to closely match the natural land conditions will save time and money for your project team. |
As-built Surveys are to record any variations and to make sure your newly completed construction matches the design plans provided by your project engineer. Meridian will work closely with your designer to resolve and document any discrepancies and deliver your As-Built survey to the municipal inspectors overseeing your project.
ALTA Surveys - If you need an ALTA Survey on a commercial piece of property, please complete the Scope of Services form at this link ******* and fax or email it to our office. We will contact you as soon as possible to review your survey needs and provide an accurate cost estimate.
GPS Surveys - Because line of sight does not have to be established between GPS stations, major cost savings can be realized in large projects or heavily wooded lands.
Property Surveys - Property Surveys and Land Descriptions – If you have questions regarding the location of your boundary lines or the accuracy of your land description, Meridian staff will work with you to provide accurate, well-documented answers. We may be able to resolve issues involving deeds, easements, and vague property descriptions without surveying your entire tract of land. .
Commercial Construction Surveys. - Use Meridian to assist your construction team with professional, accurate cost saving design.

Wetlands Survey - Along with the rest of the country, Meridian knows our wetlands are invaluable to us. |
If you have any questions about any survey offerings, Meridian would be happy to assist you with the answer. Just drop us an e-mail