We Offer:
  • Find Your Dream Home A REALTOR® will help you identify what you want in your new residence. A pool? A garage? An extra room? A particular building design? What about the neighbourhood? Proximity to schools or work?
Last Updated: Mar 31, 2025

Today, Royal LePage has over 13,000 REALTORS®
in more than 600 locations across Canada. Over the years, we’ve learned a lot about real estate – and how to provide the best possible service for our clients. In the past ten years, Royal LePage has more than doubled in size and tripled its share of the Canadian residential resale market.

Throughout our successes, we remain dedicated to helping you through the real estate process. Our commitment to innovation and customer service is as strong as ever. Plus, we are the only major real estate company that is 100% Canadian, with Canadian employees, Canadian owners – and Canadian values.

The Royal LePage Network

With over 13,000 REALTORS®, Royal LePage has an unparalleled network of real estate offices across the country. Not only do we have the best access to the homes (and homebuyers) in the Canadian market, our exclusive Canadian partnership with Leading Real Estate Companies of the World (the world's largest referral network with over 120,000 associates world-wide) gives your property exposure to buyers from around the globe.

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