Last Updated: Mar 29, 2025

 Ripco Credit Union obtained its state charter on November 1, 1932. It was organized by Charles Hyland, and initially, membership was available to employees of the Rhinelander Paper Company and of Ripco Credit Union, and their immediate families. The name “Ripco” is an acronym for Rhinelander Industrial Paper COmpany. In 1972 Ripco became a Community Credit Union with a charter including the city of Rhinelander and the towns of Pine Lake, Crescent and Pelican. The charter further expanded to include all of Oneida County in 1976, and all of Forest County was added in 1977. 1980 saw Ripco’s acquisition of the Musky Credit Union in Woodruff. As a result, people living in the parts of Vilas County who were formerly served by Musky Credit Union were now eligible to be members of Ripco. Most recently – in September of 2011, Ripco’s field of membership was further expanded to include everyone who lives, works or owns real estate in Oneida, Forest, Florence, Vilas, Langlade, Lincoln or Price County.

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