We Offer:
  • Buying or Selling a home
  • Buying or selling a business
  • Estate planning including Wills, Powers of Attorney, and Representation Agreements
  • Probate of an estate, or estate administration
  • Company law including incorporation, registered and records offices
  • Business law - including leases or shareholders agreements
Last Updated: Mar 14, 2025


..THAT in the event you become incapacitated (among other things, unable to make decisions about your own personal or health care, or support of dependents) unless you name a REPRESENTATIVE, your family or loved ones may face numerous challenges in respecting your wishes.  


 ..THAT effective November 1, 2007, real estate developers must provide additional information to assist purchasers of strata properties, including their experience in the devleopment industry, bankruptcy background and conflicts of interest. 


...THAT under current legislation, if you have previously made a WILL and you subsequently get married, your will is automatically revoked unless it states that it is being made in contemplation of your marriage.  


...THAT if you have previously made a WILL  and then are DIVORCED and you had left something in that will to your spouse, or appointed your spouse as executor, then the will stands - however it will be read as if your spouse predeceased you, and the gift or appointment to your spouse will lapse.


..THAT an ENDURING POWER OF ATTORNEY permits your appointed attorney to make the necessary financial decisions for you in case you become mentally incapable due to age, accident or illness, including buying or selling  property.  A power of attorney does NOT allow your attorney to make medical or health care decisions for you, such as consenting to surgery or dental work you  may require. These decisions require a Representation Agreement.

...THAT the exector of an estate has legal obligations to protect the assets of the deceased, including insurance on any property.



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