We Offer:
- seasonal lawn mowing
- grounds maintenance (including hand weeding and trash pick up)
- fertilizer for lawns, trees, and plants
- insecticide spraying and injection
- tree disease solutions
- organic insect control
- organic fertilizer
- lawn fungus consultation and treatment
- spring and fall lawn aeration
- de-thatching (power raking)
- commercial snow and ice
- indoor/outdoor pest spraying (spiders, ants, etc.)
Last Updated: Mar 30, 2025
TLC specializes in medium to high end lawn and yard maintenance for homes and businesses. We also have a basic service package for smaller homes and apartments.
-seasonal lawn mowing -grounds maintenance (including hand weeding and trash pick up) -one-time or seasonal lawn and landscape fertilizer applications - herbicide spraying - insecticide injection and spraying - fruit tree spray package - we offer tree disease and insect solutions - lawn fungus consultation and treatment - de-thatching (power raking) - spring and fall lawn aeration - organic fertilizer - organic insect control - commercial and residential snow removal and ice abatement - small tree trimming and shrub pruning - light landscaping, in the fall - lawn health/sprinkler monitoring -spraying for indoor and outdoor home invasive insects (like carpenter ants and hobo spiders)
We have a full support staff that includes mechanics and a secretary, and we have a powerful software package that is customer accessible
Contact Us
(208) 882-7230
Total Lawn Care
P.O. Box 3138
Moscow, ID 83843
Fax: (800) 783-6709