We Offer:
  • Jewelry Repair
  • Watch Repair
  • Appraisals
  • Custom Jewelry Design
Last Updated: Mar 29, 2025

Our Staff here at Jane V. Jewelers is here to help you find the perfect piece of jewelry that tells your own unique story. Maybe that is a love story, one of appreciation or just a simple thank you.Know matter the case ... the associates at Jane V. Jewelers will help you make the moment and memory last a lifetime.

Take Jane and Ron for example. They started Jane V. Jewelers 19 years ago and despite working countless hours together . . . still kind of like each of other! Allison is Jane's right hand gal and is the store's resident "Diamond Queen." Allison has been with Jane V. Jewelers three years and has been in the jewelry biz 14 years! Donna has been with Jane V. Jewelers 5 years and when it comes to making the displays look great she is our resident expert. Looking for a colored gemstone or something created in Rose Gold? Come see Donna!





“Jewelry is a gift that carries with it a special story. A story that is often passed down through the generations. The message a gift of jewelry conveys might include; love, appreciation,apology or pride. Regardless of the story you wish to tell ... our team will help you find the perfect piece of jewelry." 

Jane Verbonach,, Owner Jane V. Jewelers







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