Last Updated: Mar 29, 2025

At Alpine Chi­ro­prac­tic & Acupunc­ture Cen­ter we strive to pro­vide the most safe, effec­tive, and up to date treat­ment to achieve pain relief.

Dr. Dominique and Dr. Tosky uti­lize a  patient cen­tered approach and pro­duce a cus­tomized treat­ment plan for each indi­vid­ual.  They focus on diag­nos­ing and treat­ing the cause of pain and not merely the symp­toms.  At Alpine Chi­ro­prac­tic & Acupunc­ture cen­ter we use a vari­ety of dif­fer­ent treat­ment tools (manip­u­la­tion, cold laser ther­apy, acupunc­ture, myofas­cial release, etc.) to achieve max­i­mum results and employ self-care strate­gies to speed  recov­ery and help to min­i­mize the risk of relapse.

Our goal at Alpine Chi­ro­prac­tic & Acupunc­ture Cen­ter is to pro­vide safe, reli­able, cost effec­tive pain relief that allows you to get back to being yourself


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