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We Offer:
  • Telephone
  • High-Speed Internet
Last Updated: Mar 28, 2025

Some important questions our Membership has asked us!

Q: How is Molalla Communications able to provide so much financial support to our community and its Members?

The difference between the cost of doing business and the actual revenues collected each year, through Members and other sources, are calculated and the remaining dollars are then transferred to Patron’s Equity Credits. These credits are returned to the Members of the Cooperative in the form of a patronage check. Letters are sent out to Members informing them that patron checks will be available for pick-up at the Annual Meeting. Following the Annual Meeting, any remaining checks are mailed to our Members based on their current or last known address. If unable to reach these members, we publish the names in the newspaper as a notice to claim their checks. After required notices and waiting periods, unclaimed funds are returned to MCC.

How can MCC be so cutting edge with technology and yet remain reasonable in price?

Since margins are returned to Membership, we have no incentive to drive up prices and reduce quality. Unlike a for-profit company, we exist to serve our Members. By applying ourselves to providing the best in new technology for our members, we are furthering the mission of Molalla Communications Company: Enriching the Lives of All Those We Serve.

Some Community Events We Support: 

  • (Foundation For Rural Service) Sustaining Donor program
  • (American Cancer Society) Platinum Sponsor
  • (Molalla Polices Activates League) Summer Program
  • (Molalla High School) Share the love
  • (Mom's Club of Molalla) Car Seat Safety Clinic
  • (Boy Scouts of America) Yearly support
  • (Molalla Community School) Spring Fling
  • (City of Molalla) Community Garden Project
  • (MHS Environmental Club) Benefit Concert
  • (Molalla Area Chamber) Golf Tournament
  • (Brain Injury Assn of Oregon) Bike helmets Rodeo
  • (City of Molalla) Mural Project
  • (Molalla Buckeroo Assn) Chute and Event Sponsorship
  • (Molalla FFA) 14 Scholarships
  • (Molalla High School Booster) Booster Auction Support
  • (Mom's Club of Molalla) Donation For school Supplies
  • (National Child Safety Council) Donation for Child Safety (Books)
  • (Molalla Service Center) MCC Food Drive Sponsorship
  • Molalla High School Drama
  • (Molalla High School Choir) Singing Christmas Tree
  • (American Cancer Society) Relay for Life Sponsorship
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