Gillis Injury Law
Last Updated: Mar 31, 2025
Gillis Injury Law PC was founded by dedicated senior personal injury lawyers in Richmond Hill with extensive experience in responding to the needs of clients devastated by serious personal injury.* With access to an established network of highly trained health care professionals, expert medical specialists, occupational and other therapists, our firm provides a comprehensive response to the urgent personal, medical and financial needs of our clients. To provide convenient and accessible legal counsel to accident victims throughout the Toronto area, Gillis Injury Law maintains offices staffed by skilled personal injury lawyers in Richmond Hill. If your needs are urgent, or if you cannot come to the office, we can come to you at the hospital or your home. If you, a loved one, or someone you know has been injured, you need to know your rights: consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer. At Gillis Injury Law, we will help you to access and coordinate the care and rehabilitation you need. |