We Offer:
  • Cha-Ching! Checking
  • All American Checking
  • Custom 50 Checking
  • Investment Checking
  • Personal Loans
  • Auto Loans
  • Mortgage Loans
  • Construction Loans
  • Home Equity Loans
  • Home Equity Line of Credit
  • Rural Development Loans
Last Updated: Mar 31, 2025

  Cha-Ching! Checking

What's in a name? In this case a whole lot! This free, high-interest account helps you make and save more money the easy way.

All American Savings or

 All Season Savings

automatically comes with the Cha-Ching! Checking account.

All American Checking

  At American Bank, you can expect great accounts at a great price. All American Checking is exactly that...and it doesn't cost a thing!

  Take advantage of unlimited checking and earn interest, so even when you're not using your money, it's working for you. Plus, you get online banking, eStatements, free pack of checks, and a whole lot more. After all, that's the All American way!    

Custom 50 Checking

Like a fine wine, people only get better with age. If you've celebrated at least 50 birthdays, this account makes a perfect complement to your financial situation.

Write as many checks as you want and earn interest on every dollar in your account while paying no monthly fees. It only takes $50 to get started, and there is no minimum balance to maintain. We even give you free checks!  

  Investment Checking

  Traditionally, you had to choose: you could earn interest on your investment, or you could have access to the funds. Well, this is anything but a "traditional" account!    

Earn a higher rate of interest on your investment balance while still having unlimited access to your account. Write checks, pay bills online, or use your debit card to make purchases or get cash. Your money is always nearby when you need it...and earning a great return when you don't!

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