Last Updated: Mar 14, 2025


Strong Real Estate Market 2009

Well, here we are at the end of 2009 and the real estate market is finishing the year in great shape.  One year ago, we could say anything but and going in to January of 2009, predictions of the next great depression were everywhere, with dire predictions for the economy and the real estate market in particular.  For the first four months of 2009 it appeared that the pundits might be right, with unit sales in our area running about 30% below 2008 sales for the same time period.  The month of May saw things start to turn around and sales started to surge. Sales were very strong for the balance of the year actually ending up ahead of unit sales for 2008!  What a remarkable turn around!  We are optimistic for 2010, provided that the world economy stays on track. Check back frequently for more updates on the 2009 market.

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