Last Updated: Feb 23, 2025


NEW IDEAS are RIGHT HERE from “Your Favorite Mortgage Guy!”


You’ve found the place for great NEW ideas. Thanks for choosing me! My name is Jim Strachan and I am excited about being of service to you as you search for the correct answers to your questions concerning home financing.

I´ve been helping folks just like you with their mortgages for fifteen years and I am very happy to have the opportunity to provide solutions for you. I understand that a mortgage is one of the most important obligations a homeowner must meet on a monthly basis. That´s why I´ve dedicated my career to helping you successfully manage your mortgage debt. Whether you’d like to restructure a mortgage debt you already have; move up, out or over into a different home; or invest a down-payment into some rental property, you can depend on me to get it done for you.  My goal is that you will become one of the many who can proudly say, “Jim Strachan is My Favorite Mortgage Guy.”

Please call me today for more details about the services I offer. I am confident that I can help you today and over the years to come.

Have Fun!

Jim Strachan

(847) 546-7769

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