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Last Updated: Mar 31, 2025
Mickey G. Elting, CLTC recently became an independent broker after a 19-year career with Prudential Financial as a Financial Professional. Mr. Elting is a specialist in Long Term Care Insurance and has an extensive background in Life Insurance, Disability Insurance, Small Group Health Plans as well as Property and Casualty Insurance for his personal and commercial clients. This broad background enables Mr. Elting to be uniquely qualified to address, develop and execute creative and appropriate plans for a large variety of clientele. He also has comprehensive experience in creating Buy/Sell Agreements as well as Estate Planning. Mr. Elting’s unique interpersonal skills have allowed him to interface with a broad array of clients. His personable approach allows all his clients to feel confident in achieving their financial goals. Mr. Elting has attained the Gold award for Property and Casualty numerous times as well as being Certified in Long Term Care by the CLTC Corporation. He has qualified for Million Dollar Round Table and has been a Citation Award Winner at Prudential for several years. His key to success is creating an open atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding of his clients situations which help him assist in their specific needs. Mr. Elting holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Brooklyn College of CUNY in Mathematics. His office is currently located in Freehold, NJ but he frequently travels throughout the tri-state area to meet the needs of his growing clientele. He currently resides with his wife of 31 years and family in Manalapan, NJ.