Last Updated: Mar 14, 2025



  • Roof, vents, and trim
  • Gutters and downspouts
  • Skylights, chimneys, and other roof penetrations
  • Decks, steps, porches, walkways, and railings
  • Eaves, soffits, and fascias
  • Grading and drainage
  • Basement, foundation, and crawl spaces
  • Water penetration and foundation movement
  • Heating system
  • Cooling system
  • Main water shut off valves
  • Water heating system
  • Interior and exterior plumbing fixtures and faucets
  • Drainage sump pumps and accesible floats
  • Electrical service line and meter box
  • Main disconnect and service amperage
  • Electrical panels, breakers, and fuses
  • Grounding and bonding
  • GFCI's (Ground Fault Circuit Interupter)
  • Fireplace damper, door, and hearth
  • Insulation and ventilation
  • Garage doors, safety sensors, and openers

and much more



- Regardless of the age of the home you are considering it is always wise to have a professional inspection prior to closing.

- A small investment now could avoid costly headaches later.

- We provide a comprehensive  and unbiased analysis of the home's major systems in a format that is easy to understand.

- Our standard inspections take between 11/2 to 3 hours to conduct.

- We encourage buyers to accompany the inspector, giving them the  opportunity to ask questions and get a first hand account of the conditions of the home.

-We help our buyers to become familiar with their new home, educating them on type of construction, maintenance, and operation of the various components.

-Findings are documented in a computer written report distributed within 24 to 48 hours of the inspection completion.

- We even provide a report summary highlighting the more significant issues.


- Chances are a good prospective buyer will order a home inspection. Do you know what they will find?

- A Pre-listing inspection gives you the opportunity to address issues and make the repairs that you choose prior to listing your home.

- Eliminate unknowns which may cause the sale to fall through.

- Avoid last minute repair hassles that could delay closing.

- Having our home inspection report available for prospective buyers may actually help you sell your home quickly.

- An independant Home Inspection helps you provide full disclosure about the condition of the property.


- We can save you money by finding potential problems with your home before they become big problems.

- Since we do no repairs or contracting, we can provide an unbiased evaluation of your home's condition.

- We examine areas of your home that may be difficult for you to reach.

- We provide a detailed report of the current condition of your home, including a list of items in need of repair or maintenance, and safety concerns that need to be addressed.

- We can give an unbiased evaluation of work a contractor may be recommending.


- If your are purchasing property for your company or for investment, we can help you to reduce your risk and eliminate surprises.

- We provide a photo survey & documentation of existing conditions, costly deficiences which require attention now, and deferred maintenance issues.

- We identify areas which may involve a major cash outlay or safety concerns.


  • Wood Destroying Insect 
  • Mold
  • Radon
  • Septic
  • Bulkhead
  • Pre-listing

*Termite, Mold, Radon, Septic, and bulkhead inspections conducted by certified contractors at additional cotst

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