Last Updated: Mar 31, 2025

  Our company's business is quite diverse.  Along with re-sale residential listings and sales, a big part of our business is also made up of:

  • New construction listings and sales - we are proud to represent a number of quality builders
  • First time buyers will find that our representatives have the experience to guide them through the buying process
  • Investment properties, both listing and selling takes a special expertise and we have agents that can help in that area
  • Land - whether it be large tracts, small parcels or sub-divisions - we have the resources to assist
  • Condos - New or re-sale - Many of our associates have taken a specialized course that will assist our buyers and/or sellers should this be the market they are interested in

Our associates live and work in all areas of HRM, not limited to the "cities".  Where we can give the service that the consumer needs and deserves, we are prepared to do the work. 

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