Last Updated: Mar 29, 2025
The history of Glenwood State Bank should properly begin about one year before the Bank was chartered. In anticipation of securing a charter, the prime mover of the new Bank, Mr. Theodore Aune, had contracted for the construction of a bank building on East Minnesota Avenue. Upon completion the building was purchased from Mr. Aune by Glenwood State Bank for $6,250, which was supposed to be the actual cost of the building and lot. The Bank occupied that building, which is now occupied by Radio Shack, for the first 55 years of its existence. In 1961 the Bank moved to its present location just off Glenwood’s main intersection, next to Corner Drug, which is now occupied by Trumm Drug. In 1983 it went through major remodeling at the same site to establish its Northern European theme. In 1997 more office space was added to the East when Meyers’ Shoes sold their building to the Bank.
The first directors of the Bank were elected at a meeting on April 13, 1907, in the county attorney’s office, as the bank building had not been completed yet at that time. The first Board of Directors was composed of Theodore Aune, J.H. McCauley, Julius O. Grove, Henrik Shipstead, George S. Blood and Olaf Aaberg. Mr. Aune was elected president of the Bank at a salary of $1,200 per year; J.H. McCauley was elected vice-president; and Olaf Aaberg was elected cashier at a salary of $1,000 per year.
The Bank received its charter on May 7, 1907, and the original ledger shows deposits at the end of the first day of business on May 11, 1907, as $2,986.01. At the end of the first year of business, the ledger shows $17,274.51 of "Demand Deposits" and $20,987.11 of "Certificates of Deposit." Checking accounts as we know them had not come into general use. The customers’ accounts showing deposits and withdrawals were posted by hand each day, as were all the other books and records.
Over the many years of its existence the Bank has had just seven presidents: Theodore Aune (1907-1936), Julius O. Haugen (1936-1947), Edward A. Walter (1947-1971), Howard B. Williams (1971-1980), Ralph E. Cheeseman (1980-1983), Dennis E. Martinson (1983-2006), and Peter J. Nelson (2006 to date). Over the years many other individuals have served the Glenwood area as employees of Glenwood State Bank. Some of those that may be remembered for over a decade of service include Louis Robards, Hazel Johnson, Florence Sandeen, Florence Robards, Arlen Zemke, Joan Wolf, Helen Hagen, JoAnn Syrstad, Donna Felt, Carol Rust, RoxAnn Kvitek, Gloria Heieie, Margaret Randt, Alice Olson, Darlene Gaffney, Sandy Heidecker, and Linda Rust. In addition, Glenwood State Bank has 12 current employees who have each worked here over a decade already!
Our present directors are Dennis E. Martinson, Jim Morrissey, Kari A.M. Nelson, Kirsten R.M. Nelson, Larry Zavadil, Paul Martinson and Peter J. Nelson.