Last Updated: Mar 29, 2025


How to prepare for your appointment


Please print and fill out this organizer
If this is your first appointment with us please bring a copy of last year's return
Arrive on time
Bring original documents, W2s, 1095's and investment reports
Organize and total your deductible expenses
Leave small children at home if at all possible
Turn off your cell phone
Relax! This is NOT a painful ordeal!
Be sure to ask questions.
Tax season is also the height of the flu and cold season. If you or a family member are sick at the time of your appointment, please stay home and contact us. We will work with you by mail, phone or email to complete the tax return on time!

How to prepare for a small business tax appointment:
Maintain good records throughout the year.
Total your gross income for the year
Total your expenses by categories. For example: supplies, office expenses, insurance, continuing education, etc.  Be consistent year to year.
Itemize new equipment expenses
Total the number of business miles driven and total number of miles driven on your vehicle (see auto worksheet)
Print any computer reports applicable to your income/expense for your business.

Please don't hesitate to call our office prior to your appointment and ask any questions you have about preparing for your business tax return.  218-963-7908

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