Last Updated: Mar 29, 2025

Superior Quality

With climate controlled manufacturing, lumber remains dry, resulting in straight components due to less warping, twisting and shrinking. That means you'll have less cracks and nail pops and windows and doors will fit properly, thus requiring fewer repairs and adjustments later on.

Computer technology ensures that cuts are made precisely; components fit together with great accuracy.

Nelson's drafts people and Authorized Dealers keep apprised of the many Building Codes in various areas. You get the assurance that your home is manufactured in accordance with your region's strict requirements for proper insulation values, snow loads, wind velocity, etc.

Time and Money Savings

The Nelson system of pre-planning virtually eliminates costly and time-consuming construction errors and material shortages or overages.

Your home will be to lock-up stage quickly, reducing the chance of weather delays and theft.

Your price is guaranteed up front; there are no surprises, such as unexpected price increases for materials. Nelson Homes provides one of the best price guarantees in the industry.

You'll spend less time researching the vast array of product choices. Nelson Homes' experienced representatives will assist with your designs, offering advice and product knowledge.

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