We Offer:
  • Home Inspections Detailed Reporting Color Photos AM/PM Appointments Commercial property
Last Updated: Mar 29, 2025

Professional Home Inspections Longview , Tyler TX,

Thank you for visting our site. We have tried to make it user friendly as well as simple and staright forward.

We are here to assist you in making a confident decision about your property. Whether you're buying a new property and want to know your investment is sound; selling a property and want to eliminate possible problems that could delay or lose a sale or just want a professional to inspect and advise you on the condition, maintenance needs and safety recommendations of your current home, we are here to help. Mark has been involved in the home building industry since 1983 and has the expirence and integrity you can count on.

 Our home inspection services:
  * Identify current  problems 
  * Report Safety issues
  * Inform you of maintenece needs 
  * Reccommend improvements and upgrades
  * Provide the knowledge and information that gives you confidence and peace 
    mind of your investment.
  *Helps provide a basis for cost of repairs and maintenence

 We Work for You, your inspection is a contract between you and MTK Inspection Sercvices, our sole purpsoe is to provide you with an unbiased evaluation of the property. Whether they are minor, major, safety or mainatence related they will be included in your confidential inspection report

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