Last Updated: Mar 12, 2025

Consumer Loans

We make loans for all purposes - auto, motorcycle, boat, motor home, vacation, education and more. Whether you are a first time buyer or a seasoned investor looking to expand your portfolio, CNB wants to help.

Student Loans
College bound?  CNB can help bridge the gap between expenses and education, connecting you to a world of opportunities.

Real Estate Loans – Mortgage (Fixed Rates Available)
Need a firm foundation?  Build on us!  Our lenders are here to map out your mortgage blueprint by analyzing your financial position and placing you with the option that fits your household best.  Competitive interest rates and flexible terms will make you feel right at home with a loan from CNB.

Real Estate Loans – Home Improvement
Need a little motivation to tackle those home projects?  We have the means to make it happen.  Forget putting it off any longer, start your projects today with us.

Real Estate Loans – Home Equity
Looking to generate cash flow to finance medical, college or unexpected expenses?  Time to take advantage of the money you have invested in your home with a competitive interest rate.  Secure your loan today.

Home Equity Lines of Credit
Cash in on the equity built in your home.  Illnesses, accidents and injuries occur.  Whether it's an emergency, medical bills, renovation, remodel or college education, a line of credit can be used all at once or over time.  Optimize your cash flow.

ARM Loans
Enjoy low monthly payments and competitive interest rates.  Rates may fluctuate throughout the lifetime of the loan but you can rest easy knowing you will be protected by a maximum rate so you will never be blindsided.


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