Last Updated: Mar 12, 2025

Our Hotel Rooms
Make yourself at home in a room or suite featuring a coffeemaker, a microwave and a refrigerator. Prepare a snack before tuning into a game on ESPN, or fire up your laptop to research local attractions using free Internet. Traveling with a pet? Our hotel offers pet-friendly accommodations. Room amenities include:

  • Free Wi-Fi
  • 32-Inch Flat-Screen TV with ESPN and DirecTV Channels
  • Coffee Facilities
  • Microwave and Refrigerator
  • Spacious Work Desk with Chair
  • Pillowtop Mattress

To celebrate a special occasion with your significant other or to simply treat yourself, book our Whirlpool Suite, which features a spacious, in-room whirlpool.

Bars & Restaurants
When you wake up, quiet your hunger with a plateful of Belgian waffles, a side of sausage and all the fresh coffee or tea you care to drink at our complimentary, hot Be Our Guest Breakfast.

Save room for Faro’s pizza at lunch or a steak for dinner at Brann’s, just a few of the dining options near the hotel.

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